Lunar New Year 2019

Celebrate with Wild Ginger

Help us ring in the year of the pig on Tuesday, February 5th!

Join us for dinner at our Downtown Seattle location* where there will be a traditional lion dance performance at 6:00pm. Observe the dance straight from your table while you enjoy your favorite Wild Ginger dishes! For a sneak peek of what to expect, check out this video from last year’s event.

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In addition to the lion dance, tables throughout the restaurant will find special red envelopes with a surprise inside.

These envelopes are a longtime tradition of Chinese culture. They symbolize good fortune and protection from evil spirits.

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We recommend making a reservation ahead of time. Please book your table here.

*Our McKenzie (SLU) and Bellevue locations will also be celebrating the holiday, with the exception of the lion dance performance.

Hope to see you there, and happy New Year!

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More information on the Year of the Pig:


Pig Years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

The pig is honest, reserved, tolerant

As the Pig is the last of the animals in the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is also a year of endings and a time to be bringing things to completion, rather than new beginnings.

 Loyalty, integrity, and truthfulness are 2019 themes.

The Pig year brings together the elements of earth and water; harmonious yet tenuous and delicate. Some experts believe the combination could bring earthquakes, flooding, or sinkholes.  Keep your seat belt fastened if you live in earthquake-prone zones.

 Wood and earth-based industries would be auspicious choices for investments.  Anything related to publishing, carpentry, botany, the floral industry, timber, furniture, paper, textiles, and just in time for recently legalized hemp products.

 If you were born in the year of the Pig you are well liked for your honesty and affectionate nature.  This year belongs to you and you should be in bliss.  A happy, optimistic, comfortable year. Avoid excess, indulgence, being carried away in the moment, & making promises you can’t keep. You may find unexpected money.

All life is an experiment.  The more experiments you make, the better.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 Pig